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Who Influences You?

How do the connections with those closest to us determine our values, beliefs and identities? Explore models of narrative nonfiction that examine growing up and becoming one’s own person.

Select a grade to preview (6-12)

Unit Preview

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What will students know, understand, and be able to do after completing this unit?

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Key concepts related to how we become who we are and the ways these concepts are described and used

Key influences that shape who we are

Descriptive words and images writers use to describe who we are and techniques writers use to convey experiences to readers

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Artists and writers tell meaningful stories through images and descriptive language

Authors and mediamakers make strategic choices as they create texts in order to convey meaning and raise questions for exploration

Identity is complex and always evolving

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Evaluate word choice and other details to determine central ideas; synthesize information to create new understanding

Engage in productive discussions with peers

Apply the writing process to create and publish an original narrative

Scope & Sequence

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G11 - Core Booklet

Grade 11 Course Overview



Unit 1 Scope & Sequence


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