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AP Language and Composition

+ ThinkCERCA 

ThinkCERCA has created resources aligned to the popular College Board course using its research-proven model.

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Sample Implementation Schedules


Resources for Helping Students Set SMART Goals & Celebrate Growth


Editable Literacy Resources


Test Prep Strategies

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Resources for AP Language and Composition Teachers

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Reach out to with any questions.


Scope & Sequence

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Sample Teacher Guide

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Interested in a free trial of our platform to access our AP Language and Composition Resources?


Achieving more diverse representation in course access is an important first step; equity in instruction, support,
practice, and individual student growth is a more challenging proposition.


In 2020, 1 million students took exams in the following AP courses: English Language and Composition, Human Geography, and World History: Modern. Of that total, 643,000 students (60.9%) earned a 3 or higher, while the remaining 413,000 (39.1%) earned a 1 or 2.


How can we better support this significant number of lower-performing students?


College Board & ThinkCERCA