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Science of Reading: Foundational Literacy for Grades 6-12

Gain insights from distinguished professor, educator, and award-winning author, Dr. Katie McKnight, to understand the term Science of Reading - what it is, and what it is not - and go beyond K-5 with Foundational Literacy for middle and secondary schools.



Dr. Katie McKnight - HeadshotDr. Katherine McKnight

Professor, Teacher, Author, Founder of Engaging Learners

Dr. Katie McKnight is a 15-year distinguished professor, dedicated teacher, and award-winning author. She is the founder of Engaging Learners, an educational company built around her successful Literacy & Learning Center model. Her support for professional learning at the leadership and classroom level has resulted in unprecedented academic achievement in many struggling schools. Dr. McKnight has authored 20 books, including best-selling, The Teacher’s Big Book of Graphic Organizers, winner of the 2013 Teachers’ Choice Award, and Literacy & Learning Centers for the Big Kids, grades 4-12.

Watch the Full Webinars

Part 1 | Foundational Literacy for Grades 6-12


Part 2 | Do This, Not That, for Grades 6-12


Only have a few minutes? Check out clips by topic!

Reading Rope Basics

 Levels of Comprehension

Strategies and Skills

Do This, Not This


Literacy Centers

Setting Goals


Audio Support

Parent Support




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