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Key Ingredients for Building a Successful Reading Intervention Program 

We know this is a layered and complex step for any district or school - we're taking time to discuss both the ideal and realistic routes to success.

Watch the Full Webinar



Only have a few minutes? Check out clips by topic!


The Situation & The Problem

Ingredient #1: Climate and
Ingredient #2: Assess

Ingredient #3: Schedule

Ingredient #4:Staff and
Ingredient #5: Teach

Ingredient #6: Monitor and
Ingredient #7: Practice

Resources and Wrap-up



The Presenters

Dr. Katie McKnight - HeadshotDr. Katherine McKnight

Professor, Teacher, Author, Founder of Engaging Learners

Dr. Katie McKnight is a 15-year distinguished professor, dedicated teacher, and award-winning author. She is the founder of Engaging Learners, an educational company built around her successful Literacy & Learning Center model. Her support for professional learning at the leadership and classroom level has resulted in unprecedented academic achievement in many struggling schools. Dr. McKnight has authored 20 books, including best-selling, The Teacher’s Big Book of Graphic Organizers, winner of the 2013 Teachers’ Choice Award, and Literacy & Learning Centers for the Big Kids, grades 4-12.


Jenny French - Headshot

Dr. Jenny French

Developer of Foundational Reading & Linguistics at ThinkCERCA

Foundational Reading Director at ThinkCERCA, experienced literacy coach, former assistant superintendent, teacher, and author of, Help! My Students Write Like They Text. 


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