Raising Successful People
A thought-provoking conversation with educator and author, Esther Wojcicki.
Eileen Murphy, ThinkCERCA Founder and CEO, and "The Godmother of Silicon Valley," Esther Wojcicki, discuss the five fundamental values that help us all become capable, successful people. Gain insights on accelerating growth in ways teachers, families, and leaders can all celebrate.
Webinar Videos
Who is Esther? | What is T.R.I.C.K.? |
A Mastery Approach to Learning |
A Mastery Approach to Learning |
Kindness |
T.R.I.C.K. in Tough Situations |
Small Steps: Students, Teachers, & Leaders |
T.R.I.C.K. + ThinkCERCA |
The Famous Garage |
Watch the Full Webinar |
Questions, or interested in learning more?
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