Join ThinkCERCA's CEO and Founder Eileen Murphy and Sylvia Ibarra Delgado, School Success and MLL Expert, as they walk us through strategies for Accelerating Literacy Growth for California Students. ThinkCERCA provides comprehensive resources and professional development to elevate student achievement in reading and writing. Whether you need an all-in-one literacy solution or want to enhance your existing curriculum, we have you covered.
Join us for a webinar to learn about our:
✅ Core ELAR Curriculum for grades 6-12!
✅ ThinkCERCA + the College Board AP Language and Composition Resources
✅ Resources for multilingual learners (MLLs) and new arrivals
✅ Professional Benchmark Evaluation and Scoring Services (BOY, MOY, EOY)
✅ Foundational Reading Courseware
✅Professional Learning Services (Building instructional capacity with detailed daily lesson plans using research-based best practices.)
✅Results with new studies showing statistically significant and positive impact on students achievement.
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