Leading for Liberation: Competencies Every Leader and Institution Needs

Gain insights from educator and author Dr. Mary Rice-Boothe as she delves into the intricate dynamics of leadership amidst diverse landscapes. Hear about her competency framework and how it looks in practice.


Wednesday, December 13th | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. CT


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Dr. Rice-Boothe has more than 25 years of experience in education as a teacher, principal, principal coach, curriculum designer, and equity officer. She currently serves as Executive Director of Curriculum Development and Equity at The Leadership Academy. In this role, she oversees the organization's internal and external equity strategy. Her book, Leading Within Systems of Inequity in Education: A Liberation Guide for Leaders of Color was published by ASCD in March 2023.


In this free webinar, Dr. Rice-Boothe will take us on a deep dive into individual, interpersonal, and institutional competencies. We’ll touch on pivotal topics shaping leadership in diverse settings such as:


🌍 Tensions faced by global majority leaders navigating predominantly white spaces.

📚 Insights from K-12 education leaders, universally applicable to various leadership contexts.

🔍 Exploring leadership dynamics through individual, interpersonal, and institutional lenses.

🤝 Balancing collectivism and individualism in fostering inclusive leadership.


This is an invaluable opportunity to gain practical wisdom and strategies for navigating complexities, fostering inclusivity, and driving meaningful change in leadership roles. Reserve your spot now to join this transformative discussion and start your journey toward liberation in leadership!

Meet Our Presenter


Dr. Rice Boothe

Dr. Mary B. Rice-Boothe

Executive Director,

Curriculum Development and Equity

The Leadership Academy



Mary Rice-Boothe, Ed.D., joined the NYC Leadership Academy in 2015 and currently serves as Executive Director, Curriculum Development and Equity. In this role, she oversees the Leadership Academy’s internal and external equity strategy, design, and collaboration. At the Leadership Academy, she has had the opportunity to partner with school systems across the country to support them in implementing their equity policies. Mary has also supported the development of equity-focused resources for district-level leaders looking to name and dismantle the inequitable practices they are seeing at the
school and district level.

Mary came to the Leadership Academy with more than 20 years of experience in education as a teacher, principal, mentor, and coach. Before joining TLA, she worked at New Leaders, a national non-profit organization, as Executive Director of Content and Assessment, leading the team that designed, developed, and delivered content and assessments for the organization.


She began her career in education as a high school English teacher in East Harlem. Mary is a certified Courageous Conversations about Race Affiliate and a certified Facilitative Leadership Trainer. She sits on the board of Marathon Kids. Mary holds a BA in Metropolitan Studies from New York University, an MA in English and English Education from the City College of New York, and a Doctorate Degree in Leadership and Organizational Change from the University of Southern California. Her book, Leading Within Systems of Inequity in Education: A Liberation Guide for Leaders of Color was published by ASCD in March 2023. Mary lives in Round Rock, Texas, with her mom, husband, daughter, and son.